Singapore dollar to British Pound exchange rate - SGD to GBP

Singapore dollar exchange rate evolution chart

(25 Jul 2024): 1 SGD = 0.5786 (GBP)

Date Value (GBP) Variation
25 Jul 2024 0.5786 +0,0016
24 Jul 2024 0.5770 +0,0015
23 Jul 2024 0.5755 +0,0001
22 Jul 2024 0.5753 -0,0004
19 Jul 2024 0.5757 +0,0015
18 Jul 2024 0.5742 +0,0012
17 Jul 2024 0.5731 (min) -0,0009
16 Jul 2024 0.5740 +0,0001
15 Jul 2024 0.5739 -0,0003
12 Jul 2024 0.5742 -0,0023
11 Jul 2024 0.5764 -0,0013
10 Jul 2024 0.5778 -0,0006
09 Jul 2024 0.5784 +0,0006
08 Jul 2024 0.5778 -0,0010
05 Jul 2024 0.5788 -0,0011
04 Jul 2024 0.5798 +0,0005
03 Jul 2024 0.5793 -0,0021
02 Jul 2024 0.5814 -0,0010
01 Jul 2024 0.5824 -0,0012
28 Jun 2024 0.5836 +0,0013
27 Jun 2024 0.5823 -0,0008
26 Jun 2024 0.5832 +0,0007
25 Jun 2024 0.5824 -0,0002
24 Jun 2024 0.5826 -0,0018
21 Jun 2024 0.5845 +0,0020
20 Jun 2024 0.5824 +0,0008
19 Jun 2024 0.5816 -0,0012
18 Jun 2024 0.5829 +0,0002
17 Jun 2024 0.5827 -0,0002
14 Jun 2024 0.5829 +0,0025
13 Jun 2024 0.5804 +0,0011
12 Jun 2024 0.5793 -0,0017
11 Jun 2024 0.5810 +0,0002
10 Jun 2024 0.5808 -0,0008
07 Jun 2024 0.5817 +0,0005
06 Jun 2024 0.5812 +0,0002
05 Jun 2024 0.5809 -0,0002
04 Jun 2024 0.5811 +0,0001
03 Jun 2024 0.5810 -0,0001
31 May 2024 0.5811 -0,0006
30 May 2024 0.5817 -0,0003
29 May 2024 0.5821 +0,0014
28 May 2024 0.5807 -0,0008
24 May 2024 0.5815 -0,0007
23 May 2024 0.5822 +0,0000
22 May 2024 0.5822 -0,0015
21 May 2024 0.5837 -0,0005
20 May 2024 0.5842 -0,0014
17 May 2024 0.5856 -0,0011
16 May 2024 0.5867 -0,0002
15 May 2024 0.5869 -0,0008
14 May 2024 0.5876 -0,0008
13 May 2024 0.5885 -0,0017
10 May 2024 0.5902 -0,0004
09 May 2024 0.5906 +0,0002
08 May 2024 0.5904 +0,0016
07 May 2024 0.5889 -0,0017
03 May 2024 0.5906 +0,0009
02 May 2024 0.5896 +0,0027
01 May 2024 0.5870 +0,0013
30 Apr 2024 0.5857 -0,0002
29 Apr 2024 0.5859 -0,0033
26 Apr 2024 0.5892 +0,0010
25 Apr 2024 0.5882 -0,0024
24 Apr 2024 0.5906 -0,0002
23 Apr 2024 0.5908 -0,0043
22 Apr 2024 0.5951 (max) +0,0042
19 Apr 2024 0.5909 +0,0008
18 Apr 2024 0.5901 +0,0007
17 Apr 2024 0.5893 +0,0003
16 Apr 2024 0.5890 -0,0002
15 Apr 2024 0.5892 -0,0015
12 Apr 2024 0.5908 +0,0011
11 Apr 2024 0.5896 +0,0013
10 Apr 2024 0.5883 +0,0019
09 Apr 2024 0.5864 -0,0002
08 Apr 2024 0.5866 -0,0008
05 Apr 2024 0.5874 +0,0011
04 Apr 2024 0.5863 -0,0009
03 Apr 2024 0.5872 -0,0017
02 Apr 2024 0.5889 +0,0023
28 Mar 2024 0.5866 -0,0007

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Singapore dollar exchange rate
1 SGD = 0.5951 (GBP)
Date: 22 April 2024

Minimum Singapore dollar exchange rate
1 SGD = 0.5731 (GBP)
Date: 17 July 2024

Average Singapore dollar exchange rate
1 SGD = 0.5836 (GBP)

Display only singapore dollar exchange rate without the data table.
