Chinese yuan to British Pound exchange rate - CNY to GBP

Chinese yuan exchange rate evolution chart

(25 Jul 2024): 100 CNY = 10.7446 (GBP)

Date Value (GBP) Variation
25 Jul 2024 10.7446 +0,0881
24 Jul 2024 10.6566 +0,0289
23 Jul 2024 10.6277 +0,0126
22 Jul 2024 10.6150 -0,0143
19 Jul 2024 10.6294 +0,0314
18 Jul 2024 10.5979 +0,0358
17 Jul 2024 10.5621 (min) -0,0313
16 Jul 2024 10.5934 +0,0010
15 Jul 2024 10.5924 +0,0008
12 Jul 2024 10.5916 -0,0567
11 Jul 2024 10.6484 -0,0396
10 Jul 2024 10.6880 -0,0274
09 Jul 2024 10.7154 +0,0217
08 Jul 2024 10.6937 -0,0237
05 Jul 2024 10.7174 -0,0239
04 Jul 2024 10.7414 +0,0022
03 Jul 2024 10.7392 -0,0584
02 Jul 2024 10.7976 -0,0279
01 Jul 2024 10.8256 -0,0084
28 Jun 2024 10.8340 +0,0069
27 Jun 2024 10.8271 -0,0263
26 Jun 2024 10.8534 +0,0275
25 Jun 2024 10.8259 +0,0053
24 Jun 2024 10.8206 -0,0417
21 Jun 2024 10.8624 +0,0473
20 Jun 2024 10.8150 +0,0259
19 Jun 2024 10.7891 -0,0455
18 Jun 2024 10.8346 -0,0103
17 Jun 2024 10.8449 -0,0077
14 Jun 2024 10.8526 +0,0752
13 Jun 2024 10.7774 +0,0413
12 Jun 2024 10.7361 -0,0787
11 Jun 2024 10.8148 -0,0040
10 Jun 2024 10.8188 -0,0009
07 Jun 2024 10.8197 +0,0413
06 Jun 2024 10.7784 -0,0190
05 Jun 2024 10.7974 -0,0015
04 Jun 2024 10.7989 +0,0078
03 Jun 2024 10.7911 -0,0168
31 May 2024 10.8079 -0,0158
30 May 2024 10.8237 +0,0088
29 May 2024 10.8149 +0,0400
28 May 2024 10.7749 -0,0353
24 May 2024 10.8102 -0,0275
23 May 2024 10.8378 +0,0045
22 May 2024 10.8333 -0,0122
21 May 2024 10.8455 -0,0159
20 May 2024 10.8614 -0,0317
17 May 2024 10.8931 -0,0323
16 May 2024 10.9254 -0,0204
15 May 2024 10.9458 -0,0290
14 May 2024 10.9748 -0,0226
13 May 2024 10.9973 -0,0568
10 May 2024 11.0541 -0,0094
09 May 2024 11.0635 -0,0077
08 May 2024 11.0713 +0,0433
07 May 2024 11.0279 -0,0604
03 May 2024 11.0883 +0,0111
02 May 2024 11.0773 +0,0246
01 May 2024 11.0527 +0,0398
30 Apr 2024 11.0129 +0,0139
29 Apr 2024 10.9989 -0,0459
26 Apr 2024 11.0448 +0,0171
25 Apr 2024 11.0278 -0,0335
24 Apr 2024 11.0613 -0,0163
23 Apr 2024 11.0776 -0,1072
22 Apr 2024 11.1848 (max) +0,0887
19 Apr 2024 11.0961 +0,0132
18 Apr 2024 11.0829 +0,0098
17 Apr 2024 11.0731 +0,0124
16 Apr 2024 11.0607 +0,0002
15 Apr 2024 11.0605 -0,0067
12 Apr 2024 11.0672 +0,0650
11 Apr 2024 11.0022 +0,0344
10 Apr 2024 10.9678 +0,0724
09 Apr 2024 10.8954 -0,0206
08 Apr 2024 10.9160 -0,0150
05 Apr 2024 10.9310 +0,0343
04 Apr 2024 10.8967 -0,0281
03 Apr 2024 10.9248 -0,0421
02 Apr 2024 10.9668 +0,0643
28 Mar 2024 10.9025 -0,0111

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Chinese yuan exchange rate
100 CNY = 11.1848 (GBP)
Date: 22 April 2024

Minimum Chinese yuan exchange rate
100 CNY = 10.5621 (GBP)
Date: 17 July 2024

Average Chinese yuan exchange rate
100 CNY = 10.8647 (GBP)

Display only chinese yuan exchange rate without the data table.
