Indian rupee to British Pound exchange rate - INR to GBP

Indian rupee exchange rate evolution chart

(25 Jul 2024): 100 INR = 0.9270 (GBP)

Date Value (GBP) Variation
25 Jul 2024 0.9270 +0,0022
24 Jul 2024 0.9248 -0,0009
23 Jul 2024 0.9257 +0,0001
22 Jul 2024 0.9256 +0,0009
19 Jul 2024 0.9247 +0,0033
18 Jul 2024 0.9214 +0,0018
17 Jul 2024 0.9197 (min) -0,0046
16 Jul 2024 0.9242 +0,0026
15 Jul 2024 0.9217 -0,0003
12 Jul 2024 0.9220 -0,0048
11 Jul 2024 0.9268 -0,0067
10 Jul 2024 0.9335 -0,0025
09 Jul 2024 0.9360 +0,0023
08 Jul 2024 0.9337 -0,0021
05 Jul 2024 0.9357 -0,0025
04 Jul 2024 0.9382 -0,0005
03 Jul 2024 0.9387 -0,0064
02 Jul 2024 0.9452 -0,0025
01 Jul 2024 0.9476 -0,0014
28 Jun 2024 0.9490 +0,0017
27 Jun 2024 0.9474 -0,0006
26 Jun 2024 0.9479 +0,0020
25 Jun 2024 0.9459 +0,0014
24 Jun 2024 0.9446 -0,0031
21 Jun 2024 0.9476 +0,0049
20 Jun 2024 0.9427 +0,0012
19 Jun 2024 0.9416 -0,0037
18 Jun 2024 0.9452 +0,0011
17 Jun 2024 0.9441 -0,0009
14 Jun 2024 0.9450 +0,0074
13 Jun 2024 0.9376 +0,0046
12 Jun 2024 0.9330 -0,0078
11 Jun 2024 0.9408 -0,0005
10 Jun 2024 0.9414 0,0000
07 Jun 2024 0.9414 +0,0035
06 Jun 2024 0.9379 -0,0016
05 Jun 2024 0.9395 +0,0030
04 Jun 2024 0.9365 -0,0055
03 Jun 2024 0.9420 +0,0008
31 May 2024 0.9412 -0,0013
30 May 2024 0.9425 -0,0010
29 May 2024 0.9435 +0,0026
28 May 2024 0.9409 -0,0043
24 May 2024 0.9451 +0,0007
23 May 2024 0.9444 +0,0007
22 May 2024 0.9438 -0,0002
21 May 2024 0.9440 -0,0007
20 May 2024 0.9447 -0,0008
17 May 2024 0.9455 -0,0001
16 May 2024 0.9456 -0,0017
15 May 2024 0.9473 -0,0041
14 May 2024 0.9514 -0,0018
13 May 2024 0.9533 -0,0040
10 May 2024 0.9573 -0,0005
09 May 2024 0.9577 -0,0012
08 May 2024 0.9589 +0,0045
07 May 2024 0.9545 -0,0013
03 May 2024 0.9558 -0,0039
02 May 2024 0.9597 +0,0007
01 May 2024 0.9590 +0,0020
30 Apr 2024 0.9569 +0,0020
29 Apr 2024 0.9549 -0,0072
26 Apr 2024 0.9621 +0,0008
25 Apr 2024 0.9613 -0,0039
24 Apr 2024 0.9652 -0,0003
23 Apr 2024 0.9655 -0,0072
22 Apr 2024 0.9727 (max) +0,0083
19 Apr 2024 0.9644 +0,0030
18 Apr 2024 0.9614 +0,0014
17 Apr 2024 0.9601 -0,0005
16 Apr 2024 0.9606 -0,0010
15 Apr 2024 0.9616 -0,0005
12 Apr 2024 0.9620 +0,0039
11 Apr 2024 0.9581 +0,0035
10 Apr 2024 0.9546 +0,0063
09 Apr 2024 0.9483 -0,0011
08 Apr 2024 0.9495 -0,0021
05 Apr 2024 0.9516 +0,0047
04 Apr 2024 0.9468 -0,0020
03 Apr 2024 0.9489 -0,0059
02 Apr 2024 0.9547 +0,0053
28 Mar 2024 0.9495 -0,0006

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Indian rupee exchange rate
100 INR = 0.9727 (GBP)
Date: 22 April 2024

Minimum Indian rupee exchange rate
100 INR = 0.9197 (GBP)
Date: 17 July 2024

Average Indian rupee exchange rate
100 INR = 0.9455 (GBP)

Display only indian rupee exchange rate without the data table.
