The monthly Bank of England exchange rate in 2024 for the Euro
The monthly average is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the daily spot exchange rates of the Bank of England.
The yearly average is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the monthly exchange rates.
Month | Code | Value | |
Average exchange rate for: | January | 1 EUR | 0.8581 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | February | 1 EUR | 0.8546 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | March | 1 EUR | 0.8552 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | April | 1 EUR | 0.8568 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | May | 1 EUR | 0.8558 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | June | 1 EUR | 0.8467 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | July | 1 EUR | 0.8432 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | August | 1 EUR | 0.8518 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | September | 1 EUR | 0.8401 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | October | 1 EUR | 0.8353 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | November | 1 EUR | 0.8335 GBP |
Average exchange rate for: | December | 1 EUR | 0.8279 GBP |
The yearly Bank of England exchange rate in 2024 for the Euro:
0.8466 GBP
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converter which can convert using the Bank of England (BoE) spot exchange rate from a previous date.
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All the data regarding the BoE exchange rate is collected from the Bank of England (BoE) and is purely informative. is in no way associated with the Bank of England's website
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